Happy Holidays!

The holiday season, many holiday seasons, in fact, are upon us. As I look back, I realize that I have a lot to celebrate this year: Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero now has a cover and has undergone its first level of edits. It is also scheduled for release early next year. One of my biggest dreams and goals will soon be realized. I cannot wait. My writing partner (JRMurdock) and I have finished the first draft of our YA Steampunk Novel. Even better, we have a publisher interested in seeing it. I know that we will sell this one. It was fun to write and, I think, fun to read too. I was able to meet the aforementioned JRMurdock at […]

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Tis the Season

Most of us have probably watched a holiday special of one kind or another. When I was a kid, that holiday special was always “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. Okay, I’ll admit it, I still watch “Charlie Brown Christmas” every year, even now. There are lots of other holiday specials out there too. “Star Wars Christmas” comes to mind as a particularly… well let’s just say memorable to be charitable. The Muppets have a couple and pretty much every cartoon out there has at least one. I even saw “Ice Age Christmas” in the stores the other day. Yes, I bought it and it is pretty funny. All these specials got me thinking about why their creators did them in the […]

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Holiday Brain

All I can say is “Whoops!” With everything that’s been going on I almost forgot my weekly post. “What’s been going on?” you ask. Well, for one, I’m going on two weeks of vacation starting Saturday. That in itself isn’t what is distracting me. It’s all the OTHER things I’m trying to get out of the way before I go. For example, I had Episode 8 of ‘Get Published’ to finish and get into the feed. Then I had a promo to write, record and mix. AND the podcast was nominated for a Parsec Award which means I needed to mix a 10-minute sample episode for the judges. And I’ve still got to record Episode 9 (I’m not expecting to […]

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