GalaxyBillies – Episode 9

Hello, my friends. Requests for Kinfolk names have started to trickle in and I’ve setup a page specifically for GalaxyBillies and the posting of GB information including the Kinfolk names. If you would like to be included, here’s what I’d like you to do: send me your name or Internet handle to kinfolk at irreverentmuse dot com and I’ll generate a kinfolk name for you. Those I will post on the kinfolk page. No plans to use them for anything yet, but like the story, this is a work in progress. Once again we get to see more of Zeke. We also are introduced to a brand new character who seems to be in some trouble. What kind of trouble is hard to […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 7

Hey Everyone, I think I’m back on my bi-weekly schedule. In this episode the GalaxyBillies are on the planet Cornucopia or “The Reserve” as it is known. They have come to this planet to acquire food, something they didn’t have time for after the debacle on Sin Station. They aren’t on the planet very long before they discover that they may not be alone. I also want to propose the name “The Kinfolk” for you fans out there. What do you think? Leave me a comment, send me a voicemail or whatever to let me know. Finally, there have been a few of you (maybe more that I’m not aware of) spreading the word. Please continue to do so. I […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 6

OK, I know it has been three weeks since the last episode of GalaxyBillies and for that I apologize. As you may (or may not) know, I sold a character spot for GB on TheBoomEffect. That spot was purchased by MegaDan Scholes. This is the first episode that his voice will appear. I created a special new spot for him that I think will be a lot of fun going forward. I’d love to hear what you think. In this episode the humans finally get off Sin Station (or do they?). We also find that the galaxy at large is starting to notice them. For better of worse, they are out there. I’m still waiting for suggestions around what you, […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 4

Hi Everyone, Things didn’t go so well for Zeke in the last episode but what about the other humans? Jim Bob seemed to just fall off the face of the station when Zeke ran out and who knows what trouble Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John can get into? Listen in and find out. And when you’re done, you can call my voicemail line at 206.203.2031 or leave me a comment here or email me at galaxybilly at irreverentmuse dot com. Maybe even  take a moment to leave a rating and comment on iTunes. You will now find a GalaxyBilly feed there. Don’t make me beg now, ya hear!

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