A Recent GalaxyBillies Review

As you probably know, my SciFi Comedy, GalaxyBillies is mostly available on Wattpad right now. I say mostly because there are still a few chapters to post which will be coming soon. Recently Argyle Hartley did a book review of the story so far. I wanted to share the review with you. You can find it at: http://argylebooks.blogspot.ca/2014/06/first-book-review-galaxy-billies-by.html?showComment=1404137955600  

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Get Published Episode 126 – JR Murdock & Michell Plested Sold a Book!

Happy New Year and welcome to the first episode of 2014, which is also my sixth year podcasting. With the exciting news of our new book deal, JR Murdock and I decided it might be time to talk about our collaboration one more time. It has been quite a while since we last gave any tips or talked about what we had done. Besides, we are both really stoked to be bringing the book out for everyone to enjoy. We just want to spread the news one more time. I also came across something that hasn’t reared its head before. Tying a sequel novel into the previous one. That became very evident when I got my first round edits back […]

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Get Published Episode 125 – Jake Bible & the Reveal of a Secret Project

A couple years ago, JR Murdock and I wrote a book together. The suggestion to do so came, as I’m finding many of my projects do, via Twitter. A mutual friend, DanDanTheArtMan said we should write together. I thought about the idea, liked it and approached JR about it. In short order we had a working plot hammered out and an idea of how to do it. We started the actual writing during NaNoWriMo of that year. The resulting draft needed a lot of work but we both knew we had something fun. Even better, we had both enjoyed the experience of writing together so we starting plotting a second book for the day when we sold the first one. […]

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Ups and Downs

Being a writer seems to be full of ups and downs. Up – you just finished writing your book, which is brilliant. Down – you submit it to 243 different publishers and receive an impressive collection of rejections. Up – Publisher #244 asks you for a full submission of your manuscript Down – You get rejection #244 Up (eventually, maybe?) – You get a contract Down – you get your revisions and the number required is 582 revisions and half the manuscript scrapped. ….and so on. Why do we do this to ourselves? Glory? Fame? Not money (although that is a common misconception – i.e. that getting published will result in lots and LOTS of money). I know, for me, […]

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