Splitting My Focus

I am starting to realize how difficult it must be for professional writers to keep everything going all the time. We amateurs may think all they do all day long is sit and write, but really there is so much more going on than that. Take my current list of projects and the associated activities. I have a book under contract. That means I will soon be doing revisions, marketing and promotion. The revisions seem straightforward enough, but the promotional and marketing elements could be huge. Interviews, blog tours, talking to book stores, getting all the various social media outlets setup. I am self-publishing a book. That means revisions, layout, getting cover art and, as above, all the promotional elements. […]

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Some Salient Points

I was listening to Mur Lafferty’s “I Should Be Writing” podcast this morning. Specifically episode 171. I love Mur’s podcast because she is so honest about her own writing  journey and because a lot of things she talks about are things I’m going through too. In this particular episode she talked about two things that really resonated with me. The first was the sense of entitlement some people seem to have, specifically entitlement about getting published. There were times where I’ve felt that sense of jealousy towards people who “seem” to have hit the jackpot and been published the first time out. Usually what happens is I do additional research and discover that these people have years and YEARS of […]

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