I’ve had the good fortune to meet some remarkable people at conventions and online. One of those people is Virginia O’Dine. Virginia is one of the founders, the publisher and editor for Bundoran Press. We have tried to get together for an interview before, but it has taken the better part of two years to finally line up our schedules. It was a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it. I also want to give you a personal update. By the time this episode hits the feed, I will be at the 2011 World Fantasy Convention with my writing partner, JR Murdock. JR is from San Diego where the con is being held and we both though it would […]
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Get Published Episode 63 – John Mierau, Creative Force
John Mierau is a wordsmith, a story teller, a scifi and fantasy hack not to mention, first and foremost, a family man. He is also a fellow Canadian podcaster and, as far as the Parsec awards are concerned, one of my main competitors. He is also a great person to talk to and I am honoured to have him on my show. I also talk about doing guest posts and the value of it to both the post writer and the site owner. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 63 – John Mierau, Creative Force Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – […]
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As you may know, I have a book under contract with Five Rivers Publishing. That particular book is scheduled for release next year. I also have several other books written that I haven’t quite decided what to do with yet. For example, my very first novel, a traditional sword and sorcery fantasy hasn’t had a great deal of success finding a publisher. The people who have read it liked it, but it hasn’t found a home yet. I’m considering a few options. The first is to podcast it as is. The second is to rewrite it and podcast it. The third is to self-publish as is and the forth… well, that’s the thing. I could keep going. The reason for […]
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I have finally gotten to the point where I have some reasonable expectation that editors and publishers will read my stuff and not say to themselves “That sucked. Next!”. I’ve been told enough times by people in the know that I can write so I don’t have quite the doubts I used to. That doesn’t mean I expect every single thing I write to be accepted but it has given me the confidence to write stories I wouldn’t necessarily have attempted in the past. A great example of this is GalaxyBillies. I love reading the SciFi and Fantasy with Comedic tropes but I never felt good enough to do it myself. Now I’m doing it and, while it may not […]
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