Mik Murdoch is back!

After a very brief hiatus, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero is once again available for purchase and download. As you  no doubt know, Evil Alter Ego Press (EAEP) acquired the rights to the Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero series the beginning of May. Since that time, things have been moving extremely fast and book one, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero is once again available. The book has undergone a few, subtle changes. It has been edited for better readability and the cover, while still sporting the original iconic image, is now a gorgeous wrap-around. Oh yes, and it has a new, lower price too! If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience Mik Murdoch yet, please take a moment and go here to […]

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Singularly Focused

I’ve been away from writing new work for a while and it is weighing heavily on me. I haven’t added any words to Scouts 2, Jack Kane 2 or anything on Wattpad. Why? Cause I’m a publisher now too. You probably already know this but, my partner Jeffrey Hite and I started the press, Evil Alter Ego Press (EAEP) just over a year ago. Last year we published three books. This year it will be more (four in the next four months or so). Granted, three of those books were previously printed by another publisher but we still need to go through all the right steps to ensure quality books come out the other end. That means editing, proofing, layout and […]

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Get Published Episode 156 – Scouts of the Apocalypse

If you have followed my blog or listened to past episodes of Get Published you probably already know that my novel Scouts of the Apocalypse is about to become a book. In fact, it will be available for order everywhere in all formats on June 15th. This book represents a lot of things for me. It is a moment in time when some of my Scouts were younger, it is a salute to Scouts everywhere and it is the first print book released by Evil Alter Ego Press. There are more reasons why this book is important to me, but you will just have to listen to the interview, once again led by my friend Jeffrey Hite, to hear them. […]

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Independent Publishing

I have wanted to independently publish a book for a long time now but I’ve been a little bit afraid cautious. I know many talented people who have successfully done exactly that which has only fanned the flames for me. The problem has always been, I know how much work goes into publishing a book. I’ve talked to many independently published authors. I’ve talked to publishers too. They have given me a look under the covers and what I’ve seen has been a little daunting to say the least. But now, Jeffrey Hite and I have taken the plunge to start our own imprint: Evil Alter Ego Press. We have ePublished our first anthology and, in less than a month, […]

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