The Waiting Game

For those of you who are new to writing or even to submitting your work, I’ve got a revelation that you may or may not want to hear: the publishing industry is slow. Now before you cry out “Leave the poor publishers alone!” I want you to know I don’t say that as a criticism. I am simply stating a fact. Publishers, editors, agents, and yes, even writers are all human. They have a finite amount of time to try and wrestle a (seemingly) infinite amount of work into. Take a publisher for example. The publisher has to find work good enough to put into print, then put said work under contract (which will involve some level of negotiations), match […]

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Get Published Episode 39 – Fun & StoryTelling with Marie Bilodeau

Marie Bilodeau is an Ottawa-based author and Professional StoryTeller. She’s also a LOT of fun to talk to and gave a great interview for the show about her writing journey and how being a storyteller has affected her writing. I also received several questions from Michelle Knowlton via Facebook that I answer in the Feedback Section. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 39 – Fun & StoryTelling with Marie Bilodeau Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 39 – Fun & StoryTelling with Marie Bilodeau Welcome to the show. 01:44 — Promo: The Drabblecast 03:13— Feedback – […]

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Hitting My Stride

I have finally gotten to the point where I have some reasonable expectation that editors and publishers will read my stuff and not say to themselves “That sucked. Next!”. I’ve been told enough times by people in the know that I can write so I don’t have quite the doubts I used to. That doesn’t mean I expect every single thing I write to be accepted but it has given me the confidence to write stories I wouldn’t necessarily have attempted in the past. A great example of this is GalaxyBillies. I love reading the SciFi and Fantasy with Comedic tropes but I never felt good enough to do it myself. Now I’m doing it and, while it may not […]

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