Resetting the Clock

In the movie Pacific Rim, after every Kaiju attack the Marshall resets the clock. The clock is counting the time until the next attack. Before you start to panic, this isn’t exactly that kind of clock reset. No, the Kaiju that afflict me are less the 500-foot monster variety and more the, holy cow I’ve got a lot of clutter. In my case, the clutter takes the form of partially thought out projects, mostly complete projects, story ideas and so on. Every once in a while it makes sense to take a step back, list everything that I’m working on and reprioritize it all. Some of it becomes my immediate priority, others further down the line and still others might […]

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Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art

On today’s show I have Ian Shaw who is the publisher for Deux Voiliers Publishing. I met Ian through Nicole Chardenet. Or did I meet Nicole through Ian? Sometimes the introductions get a little muddies. Either way, I met them both and we had a great discussion. I also talk about deadlines. How I handle them and some of the tools I use to keep them tracked and under control. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art […]

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Pulling Up My Socks

There are times when it is impossible to get things going. Maybe you’re tired, having personal problems, overwhelmed or simply worn out. Me, I’m tired this week. Tired of being sick, that is. It’s times like this that I realize just how much I’ve got going on and how little spare time I have. That extra nap because I’m sick really cuts into the productivity. A good example of this is last night. I got home around 9:00 PM from a work function. I was struggling to stay awake (earlier in the day, I nodded off in the dentist’s chair). I could have spent 30 minutes writing or editing or proofing one of my projects. Instead, I went to bed. […]

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