Get Published Episode 89 – Crowd Sourcing

I don’t know if any of you have ever noticed, but success is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you are achieving things you have worked on for a long time. On the other hand, you suddenly have a lot more to do with those achievements and less for everything else. That has definitely been the case for me. Since the final revisions for Mik Murdoch began in earnest, I have had less time for podcasting, writing, television and a host of other things that I enjoy. The only ones I have worked hard not to neglect are my family. Without them, there is no point writing. I foolishly thought that when the revisions were complete I would have […]

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Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fiction

As you know, I have several projects on the go, right now. Happily, Mik Murdoch proof work of the galley is finished and sent to Lorina Stephens at 5 Rivers Publishing. That leaves me a little time for the other projects. The most pressing is the YA Zombie podcast novel I’m working on as part of “The Action Pack Podcast.” I am writing and recording a new episode every month. JR Murdock and Scott Roche are also providing stories. Check out for more information. I’m also working on the Mad Scientist Handbook which is officially titled, “A Method to the Madness, A Guide to the Super Evil” with Jeffrey Hite. Jeff and I talk about the handbook in today’s […]

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Crossing the Streams

I’ve blogged and podcast and Tweeted many times about networking and the importance of reaching out to meet new people. It is always very rewarding to meet new people and build those online relationships. It is even more cool (for me, anyway) when someone reaches out to me. For example, a few weeks back, K_A_Dewberry contacted me and told me she had found my podcast (Get Published) recently and had downloaded all the episodes and listened to them. She said she loved the show. Hearing that someone likes my podcast is very gratifying. Learning that they downloaded all fifty-four (at the time, I think) episodes and had done a marathon listen to them was outright stunning. I mean, the episodes […]

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Get Published Episode 58 – Scott Roche, Editor & Self-Published Author

Hello, my friends. As you may know I’m self publishing a book in the coming weeks. I’ve heard from some of you looking for more information on self publishing so I’ve made a point to have more guests who have self publishing experience. This episode I will continue in that vein with a great interview with Scott Roche. Scott is one of the editors with Flying Island Press and has come out with a self published version of his book Ginny Dare, Crimson Sand in both paper and eBook formats. I’ve also had a question come up on both Twitter and my blog from two difference people. That makes it too timely to ignore, so in today’s tips and typos section […]

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