The Jury is Still Out

I’ve finished putting Boyscouts of the Apocalypse up on Wattpad and I’m still waiting and watching to see if  I get the full results I was hoping for. So far, I’ve had a good response to the story. Not stellar, mind you, but good. The exercise has helped me to solidify my own plans for the story. And just what are those plans, you might ask (or perhaps you might not)? Well, since I’ve now got two books published (Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil), I’ve been wanting to try a few cross-promotion ideas. The problem with the aforementioned books is, my publisher has a stake in their well-being and […]

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Get Published Episode 113 – Self Publishing with Scott Roche

I have been thinking of self-publishing some of my books more and more the past few months. When I heard that friend and fellow author Scott Roche was releasing yet another book via self-publishing, I knew I had to pick his brain. And what better place to do that than on Get Published so I can share his wisdom with you? We had a terrific conversation that went much longer than my normal interviews. That being the case, I’ve decided to forgo the normal tips and typos section this episode. We talk about covers, editing, layout, distribution and promotion. It has only helped to fuel my desire to self-publish. I hope you get as much out of it as I […]

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Cross Promotion

The Internet is a wonderful tool if you know how to leverage it. It provides each of us with the opportunity to reach most of the world’s population. That is kind of a staggering thought. I could have BILLIONS of people reading my blog, hearing about my books and interacting with me on a daily basis. If I were to have billions (or even millions) of people following me, I’m pretty confident I could make writing and blogging my full-time job. Heck, I would probably have to hire staff to keep on top of everything. That is the potential audience. The reality is MUCH different. I don’t know about you, but my audience is currently in the thousands. It starts […]

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Get Published Episode 98 – JW Schnarr Talks Horror

The holiday season is upon us and for some that means stress. For me, stress really starts to show up around deadline time. If I have properly scheduled myself, no stress. If I have too much going on, proper scheduling goes out the window. This episode I talk about how goals should help you reduce that stress if done properly. I also have Bill Schnarr on the show. Bill is an award winning journalist, horror author, editor and publisher. We had a really great conversation that I’m pleased to share with you today. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 98 – JW Schnarr Talks Horror Everything has to start somewhere […]

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