Get Published Episode 20 – Lynda Williams talks Writing

Welcome to episode 20 and Happy Anniversary to ‘Get Published’. I never expected to hit 20 shows this soon but it has been a lot of fun getting here. I am very happy to have Lynda Williams on the show today. Lynda is married with three children and works by day as an educational technologist at the University of Northern B.C. where she oversees an ever-changing pack of student employees in her web development lab. Lynda writes science fiction set in the “Okal Rel Universe” Enjoy. Get Published, Episode 20 – Lynda Williams talks Writing Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 20 – Lynda Williams talks Writing Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of […]

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Get Published, Episode 7 – What Types of Feedback are Available to an Author

Hello Everyone and Happy First Week of June! I am pleased to say that the weather has actually started to feel like summer. Since our summers are short to start with that is a major announcement, let me tell you. In this episode I talk about the various opportunities you, the author, have for your work. I know I’ve asked myself many times if my work is good enough to publish. I hope some of the ideas I bring up in this episode will help you to get the answers you are looking for. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 7 Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Show […]

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