Get Published Episode 107 – Michael R Fletcher – Lessons of a First-time Author

On today’s show I have Michael R Fletcher. Michael is a writer, rock n’ roller, sound engineer and dad. He has had several short stories published and is about to release his first novel through Five Rivers Publishing. We talk about first time books, writing and what it’s like to be an unknown writer. I also talk about a question I receive quite often. It’s one most published authors have likely heard at some point in their careers. Namely, “how much did you have to pay the publisher to get your book published.” It’s a question I have some strong feelings about, especially with some trends in publishing I’ve noticed recently. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show […]

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Get Published Episode 94 – Barbara Galler-Smith, Multi-faceted Writer

I often think that, to be a successful writer, you should have a good understanding of the writing craft from multiple angles. That means writing, reading, editing, marketing and promotion and even publishing. That’s the ideal, of course, and few of us have either the time or the connections to make that experience happen. On today’s episode, I get to talk to someone who has seen publishing and the writing industry from several different directions. She is a writer, editor, slush pile reader, writing instructor and published author. Barbara Galler-Smith couples that with a wealth of varied life experiences and has a lot of interesting things to say. I also talk about my experiences collaborating on a novel with JR […]

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Writing Shouldn’t Be a Solitary Activity

In my early writing days I believed that it was just me and the words. No one else would ever be involved. I was totally alone. I’ve since learned that writing doesn’t need to be so solitary. True, there are times when it should be just you and the keyboard, but there are many times when you should be around and involve other people. For example. critiquing and feedback of your work – I have heard the opinion that a writer must write a million words before they have anything worth sending out. I would argue that a million words without any outside scrutiny doesn’t improve one’s writing much at all. The feedback around what works and what needs work […]

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Why Publishing is Slow: the Experience

As you probably know, I’ve been working towards the goal of getting published for several years now. Last year I had some success with my short stories, managing to get three of them accepted by various e-magazines and digital sites. That success only encouraged me to work harder to get my books in front of publishers to try and get them published as well. Then, in October, I received my first book contract for my YA Superhero novel, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”. The book is the first in what I expect to be a six-book series. I was (and still am) very excited about this development, but, as I have said many, many times, publishing is slow. I know where […]

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