Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art

On today’s show I have Ian Shaw who is the publisher for Deux Voiliers Publishing. I met Ian through Nicole Chardenet. Or did I meet Nicole through Ian? Sometimes the introductions get a little muddies. Either way, I met them both and we had a great discussion. I also talk about deadlines. How I handle them and some of the tools I use to keep them tracked and under control. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art […]

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Get Published Episode 94 – Barbara Galler-Smith, Multi-faceted Writer

I often think that, to be a successful writer, you should have a good understanding of the writing craft from multiple angles. That means writing, reading, editing, marketing and promotion and even publishing. That’s the ideal, of course, and few of us have either the time or the connections to make that experience happen. On today’s episode, I get to talk to someone who has seen publishing and the writing industry from several different directions. She is a writer, editor, slush pile reader, writing instructor and published author. Barbara Galler-Smith couples that with a wealth of varied life experiences and has a lot of interesting things to say. I also talk about my experiences collaborating on a novel with JR […]

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Get Published Episode 90 – Tee and Pip Collaborate

90 episodes and still going. When I started planning Get Published almost four years ago, I never thought it would last this long. But it has and I am very proud of the show and all the wonderful people I have the chance to talk to as part of it. I have to admit, the past while I’ve been wondering if it is time to end Get Published. I’ve been feeling a little worn down at times and it just feels like one project too many. Still, a lot has happened to me since I started and Get Published is responsible for at least some of my writing success. Because of the show, I have talked with people who have […]

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Get Published Episode 89 – Crowd Sourcing

I don’t know if any of you have ever noticed, but success is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you are achieving things you have worked on for a long time. On the other hand, you suddenly have a lot more to do with those achievements and less for everything else. That has definitely been the case for me. Since the final revisions for Mik Murdoch began in earnest, I have had less time for podcasting, writing, television and a host of other things that I enjoy. The only ones I have worked hard not to neglect are my family. Without them, there is no point writing. I foolishly thought that when the revisions were complete I would have […]

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