Savour the Moment, But Don’t Rest on Your Laurels

As you may or may not know, on the 4th of July I had my first story published. It is a short story titled “Apprentice” and published by the new e-press/audio press Flying Island Press. It isn’t the first story I’ve sold. That will be coming out in the August 2010 issues of Sorcerous Signals (free e-magazine) and Mystic Signals (print – available on Both of these stories represent firsts for me. First sale and first to see publication. They also represent a LOT of work; I’ve been writing for several years to get to this point. It feels really good to be able to share these accomplishments with you and I am enjoying the feeling. It would be […]

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Challenge Yourself through Contests

As a writer, I am always looking for a new way to improve my writing skills. I have done this by entering events like NanoWriMo and by doing things like my 30-in-30 short story self-challenge and I think I have attained a modicum of success doing them. Still, I need to keep pushing myself or I will fall back into my bad habits of watching television, playing online games and generally wasting time instead of writing. The problem is, I don’t always have the ambition to come up with something new to try on my own. That’s where writing contests come in. I have entered a writing contest in the past, specifically the “Write a First Chapter” contest put on […]

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