Follow the Dots

There are times when I think I am a bit slow. There are other times when I KNOW I am, but that is a story for another time. As you well know, I talk about networking…a LOT! What I haven’t really mentioned is that when you meet one person, it is a great idea to also learn who they know. Allow me to illustrate my point. A few weeks ago, I received an email from Ian at Deux Voiliers Publishing. He had stumbled acrossGet Publishedand asked if I would be interested in interviewing some of Deux Voiliers’ authors. I am always looking for guest so I said yes. I also asked him if he would appear so I could get […]

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What do you say when you have nothing to say at all? Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, of course! (for those of you unfamiliar with Mary Poppins, the Disney Classic, that is where the reference comes from). Honestly, with everything that has been going on lately, I’m having difficulty focusing on one thing long enough to get anything done. I’m sure you have all been through similar times in your life. So, let me just give you an update on what I’ve been up to on the writing and podcasting front, instead. The BIG news is, my co-editor Jeff Hite and I have put our anthology,A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evilto bed. We are expecting layout to be complete […]

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Prix Aurora’s – Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero is Eligible

Everyone who has ever participated in anything has thought about excelling at that anything and being recognized for their brilliance. That’s not a broad, sweeping and generalized statement, is it? Still, I think it’s true. If you were a great speller in school, you wanted the teacher to give you a gold star for your work. When you participated in sports, you wanted to win the championship. When you played Monopoly, you tried to win the game. And so it is with writing. When I started writing, I hoped that one day I would win awards for my work and gain fame and wealth for it too. I put the awards and accolades more as back pocket priorities, but they […]

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Next Big Thing Blog Hop

Lorina Stephens was kind enough to tag me in the Next Big Thing Blog Hop, which is a Goodreads promotional enterprise among indie authors and publishers to highlight authors and books which might otherwise slide under the radar of many readers. We all answer the same 10 questions, which allows readers an opportunity to receive a brief overview of either a published work or a work in progress. 1. What is the working title of the book? Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero 2. Where did the idea come from for the book? I grew up reading comic books. I always wanted to be a superhero myself and tried various things to get my own super-powers (too goofy to go into at this […]

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