Evil Strikes Again!

I suppose I should have suspected that Amazon was somehow controlled by the Evil organizations of the world. But I didn’t and, looking back, I realize how naive I have truly been. What am I talking about? Well, let me try and jolt your memory a little. A little while ago, a friend of mine put a post up on this site. That friend was Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. The resulting backlash from the Super Villain community was extreme. My family and I were taken from our home and held captive in a secret underwater volcano lair by the villain Lord Aquarius. I managed to escape with my family, but the entire ordeal has left us frightened and shaken. I […]

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I Should Have Known Better

There was a time not so long ago when I thought it would be safest to play both sides; have both heroes and villains behind me. So I wrote about Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and I edited the combined works of many super villains in A Method to the Madness, A Guide to the Super Evil. Granted, the villain community didn’t give me much choice about the editing job. Do any of you see the fatal flaw in that plan? As you might guess, villains don’t like having the light of justice shone on them, so when Mik Murdoch put a post on this website calling the aforementioned baddies out, they were not thrilled. In fact, the villain known as Lord Aquarius […]

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My young friend, Mik Murdoch, informed me that the owner of this website has been kidnapped, along with his entire family by the despicable villain, Lord Aquarius. What has he done wrong other than to write the book Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and edit your wicked compendium A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil. I find Aquarius’ actions to be cowardly and pathetic! Who am I? I am P-Girl. A member of the Justice Squad and these words are being posted without the aid of the victim, Michell Plested. I have instead asked my colleague, Kid Crypto, to white-hat hack into this website so I could call out the villains of the world including you, Aquarius. Let […]

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Caught in the Crossfire (HELP!)

As many of you witnessed a few days ago, the young superhero, Mik Murdoch (whose adventures are documented in Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero) posted an opinion piece on this website decrying the ‘bully’ tactics of certain villains. He had heard through trusted sources that the super-villains of the world (many of whom have written articles for A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil) were out to get him. I saw no harm is allowing Mr. Murdoch to post his thoughts on this website. After all, he has allowed me to document his adventures thus far. What could be the worst that could happen? That is a question I probably should have explored in greater detail. You see, I was […]

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