
We all need a break from the everyday from time-to-time. Recharging our batteries is essential if we want to stay healthy and happy. I am doing exactly that right now. The family and I are on vacation for almost three weeks. It feels incredibly strange to not get up every morning, catch the bus and train and go to work. Strange, but awesome at the same time. I had these big plans to get up early every morning and write. Plans that lasted exactly one day before I started sleeping in. Still, I think I needed that sleep to catch up and start my relaxation. I also needed the rest to kick my muse back into high gear. Oddly, family, […]

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Get Published Episode 86 – What Happens After Your Book is Accepted?

In today’s episode, I speak with my publisher, Lorina Stephens from 5 Rivers Publishing, about the journey a manuscript takes to publication once it has been accepted. You will get a much clearer understanding of why the process can be slow. We also talk about the direction of publishing and books sales. Apologies, but the interview audio is not quite as good as I like. I am also very pleased to have another Unorthodox Writing Tips from JR Murdock. This episode he talks about momentum.   I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 86 – What Happens After Your Book is Accepted? Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of […]

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It’s Real!

Last week Friday I received the author’s copies of my debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. That alone was enough to make this a fantastic month. That encouraged me to finally build a Facebook group for the book (which I’ve been meaning to do for several months). I honestly have been dragging my feet on this because I haven’t been using Facebook much lately. When I have used the tool, I haven’t seen much in the way of reaction or response. I was really wondering if there was much point. I was absolutely blown away by how many people have commented and “Liked” the group page! I know I’ve talked about the fact that I’ve been worried about whether my book […]

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Get Published Episode 84 – Mike Plested Talks Publishing & Promotion

I am kicking the marketing and promotion machine into high gear. Or, at least, I’m trying to. This part of the process is all new to me and it is a challenge to know what to do and when and where. So, I’ve been blogging and tweeting about Mik Murdoch, but it seemed to me that, since I have my own podcast about getting published, I should talk more about the book here. Yes, I know what you are thinking: Mike has already talked about the book on several episodes. What I haven’t done is have someone else ask me the kinds of questions I normally ask my guests and so, the idea for this episode was born. I asked […]

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