Get Published Episode 113 – Self Publishing with Scott Roche

I have been thinking of self-publishing some of my books more and more the past few months. When I heard that friend and fellow author Scott Roche was releasing yet another book via self-publishing, I knew I had to pick his brain. And what better place to do that than on Get Published so I can share his wisdom with you? We had a terrific conversation that went much longer than my normal interviews. That being the case, I’ve decided to forgo the normal tips and typos section this episode. We talk about covers, editing, layout, distribution and promotion. It has only helped to fuel my desire to self-publish. I hope you get as much out of it as I […]

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Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life

I met David B. Coe at a local convention last year when we both sat a writing panel for beginners.  He sat at one end of the panel table and I sat the other. Pretty appropriate when you compare our writing journeys thus far. We were chatting after the panel and I asked if he would be interested in coming on Get Published. He gave me a hearty yes and we exchanged contact information. I am pleased to say that you will hear our discussion today. I knew even before we connected that it would be a great conversation. David is a great writer who has already had a long and successful career. I was pretty confident that we would […]

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