Balticon 44

It has been more than two weeks since I came home from my first Balticon. I wanted to take some time to really absorb all the things I saw and did before I spent any time talking or writing about them. Let me begin by saying Balticon was something special. Someone very accurately said, “It is like coming home.” As odd as it may sound she was absolutely right. It was home for so many different reasons. Let’s start with the people. I have met many people online over the past year or so. Facebook, Twitter, email. I’ve gotten to know many of them reasonably well. I’ve even had the chance to talk with many of them via Skype for […]

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Get Published Episode 33 – Double Feature – Scott Sigler & Flying Island Press

Today’s episode is a special double-feature. I was lucky enough to talk with Zach Ricks and Scott Roche of Flying Island Press during Balticon 44. They talk about the new e-magazine “Flagship” and the upcoming submission deadline (June 15th) for their first issue. I also interviewed Scott Sigler who has the novel “Ancestor” coming out June 22nd. I wanted to get both in front of you before the deadlines so you get two for the price of one. Both are great conversations that I hope you’ll enjoy. Thanks for listening. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 33 – Double Feature – Scott Sigler & Flying Island Press Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start […]

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Face-to-Face Meetings

I must confess to a little nervousness as I attended my very first Balticon. On one hand I was REALLY looking forward to meeting all of my online friends (at least the ones in attendance) but on the other that little affliction that affects many writers known as shyness was rearing its ugly head. I took a brief wander through the con, saw a few of the people I recognized and kept going. I was on my way to my room for the first time when I stopped myself. It was time to take myself to task. I asked myself the hard question: why am I here? Now before I go any further, I hope you don’t find it too […]

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Preparing for Departure

For anyone who has read these posts, you know I am a big proponent of networking. Whether the networking is done in person at a meeting or convention or via social media you can never know too many people. I’ve been doing a LOT of networking via Facebook and Twitter for the past couple years. That activity increased even more when I started podcasting myself. Over this time I have made several friends in the social media. The one downside to interacting with people via Twitter and Facebook is, unless they live nearby, you are unlikely to ever meet them. That is what has me so excited. Next week on May 27th I will be attending Balticon. Balticon is a […]

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