For those of you who don’t know, I am co-editing an anthology (titled A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil) with Jeffrey Hite. This is a project that we conceived more than a year ago over Twitter. We decided it would be fun to try our hands at creating an anthology and started the process of doing it ourselves, all the while looking for a publisher. We didn’t have to look long before Lorina Stephens and Five Rivers Publishing decided to take on the project with us. It has been both an adventure and a LOT of work to gather stories, edit them, place them into the anthology and now proof the Galley. But we are almost […]
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Get Published Episode 90 – Tee and Pip Collaborate
90 episodes and still going. When I started planning Get Published almost four years ago, I never thought it would last this long. But it has and I am very proud of the show and all the wonderful people I have the chance to talk to as part of it. I have to admit, the past while I’ve been wondering if it is time to end Get Published. I’ve been feeling a little worn down at times and it just feels like one project too many. Still, a lot has happened to me since I started and Get Published is responsible for at least some of my writing success. Because of the show, I have talked with people who have […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 81 – Paul E. Cooley, The Fiendmaster, Speaks
Mik Murdoch, Boy superhero is almost ready for the Advanced Reader Copies to go out. I’m busy proofing the galley right now. In fact, I stopped working on it to get this episode ready for you. Exciting times! I also wanted to put the word out to all of you mad scientists out there. Jeffrey Hite and I are co-editing an anthology of advice for the up-and-coming supervillain. Submissions are open until May 31. We have some good submissions so far, but we need more. If you are interested, check out Finally, before we get into the show I wanted to mention that it is once again Parsec awards season. I would dearly love to have Get Published nominated […]
Read moreThe Start of Something Great
May 28 – 30th was the Memorial Day weekend in the United States. That means Balticon was in full swing. Last year I was fortunate enough to attend, but, alas, funds to go this year were simply not available. So, for me, and others like me, the weekend was just that, a weekend much like any other. Except, early last week, a few people started talking about Balticant on Twitter. We moaned a little about not being able to visit New Media’s Mecca. We talked about staging a Tweet campaign to “try” and capture some of the spirit of Balticon but we didn’t do much else. And then, Friday came, and a few of us decided to have our own, […]
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