Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero Has Been Shortlisted for a Prix Aurora

There are things that we always hope for but don’t really expect to happen in our careers. One of mine was to be nominated (and hopefully win) the Prix Aurora. In case you don’t know what a Prix Aurora is, it is a national speculative fiction award in Canada. This is the 30th year for the Auroras and, this year, they have included a new category specifically for YA fiction. Mik Murdoch has been shortlisted in the YA fiction category for this award. I’m not sure if words can truly express how I feel about this honour. This is one of those things that is a BIG DEAL that I never really expected to experience. I use the word “thrilled” […]

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Prix Aurora’s – Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero is Eligible

Everyone who has ever participated in anything has thought about excelling at that anything and being recognized for their brilliance. That’s not a broad, sweeping and generalized statement, is it? Still, I think it’s true. If you were a great speller in school, you wanted the teacher to give you a gold star for your work. When you participated in sports, you wanted to win the championship. When you played Monopoly, you tried to win the game. And so it is with writing. When I started writing, I hoped that one day I would win awards for my work and gain fame and wealth for it too. I put the awards and accolades more as back pocket priorities, but they […]

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