Day 27 – Almost done

My day 27 writing saw me so close to being done it wasn’t funny. As you know by now, NaNoWriMo is all about writing 50,000 words in 30 days. By the end of my writing day, I was at 48,002 words. Less than 2,000 away from completing the challenge. The other measure – that of my book being complete – also shows me almost finished. I had a goal of 60,000 words for Mik Murdoch 5 and, as of the end of day I was at 59,994. Why the discrepancy? I started writing Mik Murdoch 5 a couple years ago. After several false starts, I did have a few chapters complete before I started NaNoWriMo. My intention was to finish […]

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The Finish Line is in Sight

I received my second set of edits on Mik Murdoch: The Power Within a couple days ago and I’ve got to say, I’m both amazed and delighted. Amazed that there don’t seem to be any major issues with the current revision of the book and delighted that there don’t seem to be any major issues with the current version of the book. Wait…was I just repeating myself back there? I suppose I was which should only illustrate just how happy I am. Normally, there are an ever-decreasing number of edits for me. For example, I might need to rewrite three or four sections of the story in the first edit and do another in the second. Not so this time. […]

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