Watch Out 2014

On only the second day of 2014, I’m back at it and moving fast. I kind of have to be. I have contracts for two books to come out this year (Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, 5 Rivers Publishing & Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty, Champagne Book Group/Burst Books) plus an anthology to put together and a possible self-published book as well. That, of course, doesn’t include writing more books and short stories, doing school visits and attending my first Calgary Young Writer’s Convention as a guest. Oh yeah…I think I might have a day job, family and podcasting to mix in as well. None of that lends itself to a slow, leisurely paced life for this year. But […]

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Caught in the Crossfire (HELP!)

As many of you witnessed a few days ago, the young superhero, Mik Murdoch (whose adventures are documented in Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero) posted an opinion piece on this website decrying the ‘bully’ tactics of certain villains. He had heard through trusted sources that the super-villains of the world (many of whom have written articles for A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil) were out to get him. I saw no harm is allowing Mr. Murdoch to post his thoughts on this website. After all, he has allowed me to document his adventures thus far. What could be the worst that could happen? That is a question I probably should have explored in greater detail. You see, I was […]

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Get Published Episode 95 – A Method to the Madness: Anthology Update

I’ve been on the road a fair amount the past few weeks and I have learned that the tools you use are critical to your creative success. There are plenty of applications that will allow you to stay in touch with home and keep your writing and podcasting moving forward. Things like Dropbox, Google docs, Skype and Logmein can really help. In today’s episode, Jeffrey Hite and I talk about the progress of our anthology, A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil. We talk about the challenges, what has worked and what we have accomplished. JR Murdock also has another Unorthodox Writing Tips in the Tips and Typos. He discusses some tricks you can use to […]

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Get Published Episode 86 – What Happens After Your Book is Accepted?

In today’s episode, I speak with my publisher, Lorina Stephens from 5 Rivers Publishing, about the journey a manuscript takes to publication once it has been accepted. You will get a much clearer understanding of why the process can be slow. We also talk about the direction of publishing and books sales. Apologies, but the interview audio is not quite as good as I like. I am also very pleased to have another Unorthodox Writing Tips from JR Murdock. This episode he talks about momentum.   I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 86 – What Happens After Your Book is Accepted? Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of […]

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