I figure it’s time to give you all an update. I’ve set some goals and made some decisions. Now it’s time to face the music.
Let’s start with the goals.
I set the goal that my Mik Murdoch book would be edited and on its way to the publisher by the beginning of January. Yeah, well about that… I’m still editing the book. That’s right, it is NOT currently in the hands of Canada post on its way to some lucky publisher. Still, I’m not feeling bad about it.
I thought that it was practically ready when I made that goal (not an excuse), but after taking a complete break over Christmas, I’m seeing it with new eyes. I actually think that I’m giving it the attention it needs. I can see where the sentences need tightening up and where paragraphs and even entire chapters can be ripped out. Frankly, I’m amazed at myself; I never believed I would be able to properly revise one of my own stories. Time will only tell how successful I am.
I’ve been reading a book (yes, only ONE book) called “The Complete Guide to Writing Science Fiction: Volume One” published by Dragon Moon. This is the book my friend Simon Rose contributed to. I’m really torn about this book; I’d love to recommend it with two big thumbs up, but I simply can’t for a few reasons.
Let me begin by saying that there is some REALLY good information in parts of the book. I’ve actually gotten several ideas for the rewrite I’m going to be doing for “The Goddess Renewed” that I think will get it up to the quality I’m hoping for. Having said that, the quality of the editing seems quite poor. Typos abound and there’s this odd little quirk throughout the book where the capital “N” is replaced by an I with two dots beneath it. It took me a while to figure out what it was supposed to be. The book is written by a number of different authors and most of it is really great. I have come across a couple that probably should have been left out though.
Still, I’m getting enough value from the book that I may just add it to my collection.
In regards to other reading, I still have a pile of about 10 different books to get through. The lack of time to do any reading guarantees that the pile won’t be shrinking any time soon.
One last item of note: I was talking about going to ConVersion this year. As it turns out, there will be another, much bigger Con in Calgary in the fall. Yup, the World Fantasy Convention will be in Calgary from October 30 – November 2. I thought I could do some good networking at ConVersion (and I’m still planning to), but the World Fantasy Convention is a whole new ballgame. Tom Doherty (from Tor books) will be one of the special guests. If I’m very smart, I will have “The Goddess Renewed” finished so I can chat up the various publishers about it. This could be a very good year!
I’ve already told my wife that I will be taking some holiday time off for both ConVersion and World Fantasy Convention. Now I just need to twist the rubber arms of a couple of my colleagues…