What would you do if you were reliving the same day over and over again like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day? Would you sit back and simply watch everything repeat or would you use the time to do something new?
It’s a question many of us are probably asking ourselves (or something like it) as we self-isolate at home seeing the same walls, same people and…well same everything every day. It probably feels like we are living the same life in an endless loop.
When this first began and it looked like we might be home-bound for a while I will admit to sitting back and doing very little beyond watching television and eating too much. And then it dawned on me that this was an opportunity. I could start to exercise regularly. Watch what I eat. Maybe (finally start) working on one of the many books in my head.
I started getting up with my wife (she is in healthcare and still has to commute to work everyday). I got on my treadmill and watched the news. Yes, I know the news isn’t great but I want to know what’s going on.
I put breaks into my calendar to take 15 – 30 minutes on the treadmill throughout the day. I drink more water rather than eating when I get bored.
I’ve even begun writing again (although that is a more recent habit I’m forming). I’ve completed a couple online courses I’d been working on prior to the crisis.
None of these things replace what I’ve (temporarily, I hope) lost. But they do help. I will continue to look for more ways to improve myself during this time. I trust that you are able to do the same. 🙂
Stay safe and healthy. Talk soon.