NaNo 2017 – Day 21 – The End is in Sight

My official goal for yesterday was 2,000 words but in the back of my mind I had a different, more ambitious goal. My very first NaNoWriMo took me 22 days to complete. As of day 20, I was only 5,000 words shy of the 50,000 word goal. What if I upped my game a little and finished strong? What if I did 2,500 per day on the last two days?

So, I sat down and worked to achieve my stated goal of 2,000 words. When I hit that I still had more story in me so I kept going. When I faltered just a little, I checked my day’s output and realized I was only sixty-odd words shy of hitting 2,500.

So I kept going. By the time I was done, I have exceeded 2,500 words.

Challenges for the Day

Not really anything worth mentioning. I had a night off at home.
Number of Words for the Day:  2,589 words
How I Hit my Word Total for the DayLike yesterday, I completed my word count in one long writing session of about ninety minutes.

Today’s Goal: 2,402 words

2,402 words will allow me to hit 50,000 in 22 days. That will be my goal today, even if I have to go a little bit late to achieve it (I have a late night meeting tonight that pretty much guarantees I won’t be home until 9:30 or so).

Number of Words to Date: 47,598 words

The end of the challenge is in sight but I still have some work to do. I’m just shy of 60% done my novel so I’m going to keep pushing for the rest of the month. If I’m able to keep my pace up, I can likely finish that novel and hit between 60,000 and 70,000 words for the month.

Getting my Scouts of the Apocalypse 3 novel complete is the ultimate goal here. If I finish in November then I can let it sit a little in December before I begin editing it. I also have to do edits of Jack Kane and the Kaiser in December so I can get that book off to the publisher.


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