Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero Has Been Shortlisted for a Prix Aurora

There are things that we always hope for but don’t really expect to happen in our careers. One of mine was to be nominated (and hopefully win) the Prix Aurora.

In case you don’t know what a Prix Aurora is, it is a national speculative fiction award in Canada. This is the 30th year for the Auroras and, this year, they have included a new category specifically for YA fiction.

Mik Murdoch has been shortlisted in the YA fiction category for this award.

I’m not sure if words can truly express how I feel about this honour. This is one of those things that is a BIG DEAL that I never really expected to experience. I use the word “thrilled” a lot when I talk about the things that are happening with my first book, and while I think it might be getting tiring for people to hear from me, it really is the most appropriate one. This adventure has been a thrill-ride from the beginning to right now and it doesn’t show any reason to be letting up.

I am humbled and grateful.

The winning of the award is by no means a given. I’m up against some heavy-hitters. Names you would recognize (ahem, Cory Doctorow, Kelley Armstrong) should lend some weight to the importance and sheer level of awesomeness Mik being on the ballet means.

So what next?

Well, on May 6th, voting opens. Voting is available to all registered Canadian members of The Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association. Yes, I’m sorry to say that eliminates all non-Canadians from the voting (I did mention it was a National Canadian award, right?) however, there is something you non-Canadians can do to help – more on that at the end.

Voting packages will be sent out to all registered members. That should include excerpts (or complete versions) of the nominated works. If you are Canadian, you are eligible to vote. You just have to register and pay your $10 membership fee. I believe you can do this here: http://www.prixaurorawards.ca/Membership//.

Obviously, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to vote for Mik Murdoch and all of the other worthy nominees (note: the other nominees in my category are also worthy, I just want you to vote for me). If you are a member and feel that Mik deserves to win, please take the time cast thatย  ballot.

So, what would winning mean to me? Well, besides the obvious validation of all my work (which being shortlisted has already done, btw), I’m hoping it will translate into more sales and a much wider awareness of the book. Nothing is better for an author than to know that people are reading and enjoying their books (money is nice too, don’t get me wrong).

Now, how everyone can help out whether you can vote or not – please take a few moments next time you are at your public library and ask if they have a copy of Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Tell the librarians that you would like them to add it to their collection so you and all of the young people you know can read it. There are plenty of reviews out there to help convince them. If you want to purchase a copy (electronic, paper or audio), that’s good too.

Thank you and wish me luck. ๐Ÿ™‚




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