Get Published Episode 59 – Balticant – The Value of Conventions

Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today.

The weekend of May 21st, 22nd and 23rd is the Memorial Day weekend in the United States and that means Balticon to many podcasters and new media people. For those who could attend, it meant a weekend of fun, friends and fabulous panels.

Of course, not everyone can go to Balticon and some of us decided to have an impromptu virtual convention of our own that we called Balticant. It wasn’t well-planned or even widely attended but the conversations were fantastic and made the whole effort worthwhile.

We recorded a few of the sessions and, in this episode, I would like to play the first session where we talk about conventions, both physical and virtual and the value they bring.

I’m also delighted to have CA Marshall do another segment for the Tips and Typos section of the show. This episode she talks about Cover Creation.

That’s our lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 59 – Balticant – The Value of Conventions

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 59 – Balticant – The Value of Conventions

Welcome to the show.

01:18 — Promo – TRReed Bitstrips

02:36— Tips and Typos – Get Published Episode 59 – Balticant – The Value of Conventions (continued)

  • CA Marshall talks about Books Covers and how to get a professional looking one.
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments

10:28 – Promo – View from Valhalla

10:41 — Get Published Episode 59 – Balticant – The Value of Conventions (continued)

JR Murdock, Michell Plested, LJ McLean, Chris Moody, Zack Ricks and J Daniel Sawyer talk about the Value of Conventions, both virtual and real.

1:00:36 — Promo – Explorers Anthology

1:01:59 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

TRReed Bitstrips –

View from Valhalla –

Explorers Anthology –

Flying Island Press –

CA Marshall –


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