Evil Alter Ego Press Publishes Dimensional Abscesses

As you might know, Jeffrey Hite and I have been working on bringing Evil Alter Ego Press to life. Our first book, Dimensional Abscesses (anthology) is available now (or Friday) depending on where you wish to purchase it (see bottom of post for links). It is a great book and we are very proud of it.

Dimensional Abscesses cover final

This truly marks a change in the way Jeff and I are approaching the whole writing and publishing thing. It is (pardon the pun) a new chapter in our lives.

A number of people have put a LOT of work into this book and I hope you will support us in our endeavor. This book is currently available as an ebook and we hope to make it available in print this fall should it sell well enough.

Please have a look and, if you do purchase it, consider putting a review up for the book.

Thank you.







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