Days 23 & 24

I’ve been pretty diligent about updating my NaNoWriMo status everyday. Unfortunately, when it was time to do my update for Day 23, I was feeling too beat up from the week’s activities to write my post.

It’s telling when you sit down to write about the doings of the day and you are too numb to form a coherent thought.

I did manage to hit my writing goals for Day 23 and I’m still ahead of the game for Day 24. This is where having a writing buffer really helps.

Do I still like my book?

I am happy to report, I still like the book I’m writing. That was never an assured thing. There have been times when I have really gotten tired of a book I’m writing. That’s usually because I’ve been dragging my feet and not putting as much (continuous) effort into the writing.

That was certainly the case when I started NaNoWriMo with Mik 5. I had tried writing the book several times over the past two years. False starts most of those times.

I knew what I wanted to do with the book. I also knew I owed my readers the next book (see feelings of guilt). It was just, with all the false starts I wasn’t feeling any particular love for the book.

That has definitely changed. I’m now excited to finish it and get editing. I think this one will be enjoyed by my audience.


I’m also feeling reinvigorated in my writing. I have several books that I want to write. I might give myself a couple months to spend plotting a few of those out so I can hit the ground running in February.

It would be amazing to get a couple written next year.

One of those books is a stand-alone novel that has been on my mind literally for years. During NaNo I had a few new ideas that has given me enough to begin the plotting exercise. That book might become a vessel for a serious agent search.

Onward and upward!

Day 23 word count: 2,904

Day 24 word count: 1,009  (Words to date: 42,682) (Words to goal: 7,318)


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