Boyscouts of the Apocalypse is Available on Wattpad

I talked last week about experimenting with my writing to find what works and what doesn’t. One of the experiments I mentioned was the use of Wattpad to bring my story, Boyscouts of the Apocalypse out.

Well, I am happy to say, the entire story is now available to read. Oh, and did I mention it’s free? Yes, that’s right, free to read.

So far, I’ve had over a thousand reads which is pretty cool. It has already had a bigger audience than it did as a podcast. I hope that it continues to find more readers over the course of the next few months too.

So, what are my plans going forward with this story?

Well, I still plan on publishing the story. Whether that is self-published or through a publisher, I don’t know yet. I do know that I will be self-publishing something in the coming months for yet another experiment. Will it be Boyscouts? I don’t know yet. If it is, it will be undergoing another round of revision. I hope to have the dollars to hire an editor and get it done right because, the last thing I want to do is put out an inferior product.

Regardless, the story is FINALLY available in its totality. Please take a few moments to drop by the site, have a read and let me know what you think. As I said before, there is no cost to doing so. Wattpad is a free service.

What have you got to lose?


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