Get Published Episode 79a – L.E. Modesitt Jr. Part 1

When I was at World Fantasy Convention in San Diego last year, I had the good fortune to meet several of my favorite authors. Whenever possible, I arranged to have those people appear on Get Published for your listening pleasure.

One of the people I really wanted to get was L.E. Modesitt Jr. I was excited when he agreed to come on the show and even more so to talk to him in person. The interview went long so I’m going to be breaking it up into two parts. One will air this week and the other next week. I didn’t want to make you wait two weeks for the whole thing.

I also caught wind of an internship opportunity last week. My publisher, Lorina Stephens, is looking for interns to work with her at Five Rivers Publishing. It occurred to me that getting her on the show would give all of us a better understanding of what it means to intern with a publisher and what she is looking for exactly. Lorina agreed to talk to me about the opportunity and you will hear more from her in the Tips and Typos section.

That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 79a – L.E. Modesitt Jr. Part 1

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 79a – L.E. Modesitt Jr. Part 1

Welcome to the show.

01:22 Promo: A Method to The Madness: A Guide To The Super Evil

03:11 -Tips and Typos

Mike talks to Lorina Stephens about Interns and some opportunities at Five Rivers Publishing.

If you are interested in an intern position, contact Lorina at: intern at 5rivers dot org

15:34 – Promo – Garaga’s Children

16:29 — Get Published Episode 79a – L.E. Modesitt Jr. Part 1t (continued)

Mike and L.E. Modesitt Jr. talk about the evolution of books, conventions, and networking.

47:03- Promo – Flying Island Press

47:48— Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

L.E. Modesitt Jr. –

Five Rivers Publishing –

A Method to The Madness: A Guide To The Super Evil –

Garaga’s Children –

Flying Island Press –


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