Get Published, Episode 3 – Don’t Fail to Plan (2nd try)

Howdy Folks.  Episode 3 is here a last.  If you have already seen it, have I got a story for you.  Well maybe not a GREAT story, but a story.

After posting this episode of the podcast I noticed that it wasn’t showing up in iTunes.  I checked the developer website and lo and behold, a new version existed to fix my problem.  Trouble was, it didn’t fix anything.  It caused my podcast to stop working entirely.  Not quite what I had in mind.

I have reverted back to a previous version and I am hoping it shows up in iTunes this time around.  No guarantees though, so I will be watching it.

This time around I wanted to talk about the fine art of planning your story submissions.  As you will learn, I have had some successes and some failures (although the successes have yet to translate into a sale).  I also have my first comment (Yay!) although the commenter wonders why he should listen (boo, hiss :)).

As always, please send me your comments, questions and feedback.  Enjoy.

Get Published, Episode 3 – Don’t Fail to Plan

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 3

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Show #3: Don’t Fail to Plan

  • Who is Michell Plested
  • I got a personalized rejection and a request for a full manuscript
  • Please vote in the poll

03:15 — Promos: Nina Kimberley the Merciless

05:03 — Show #3: Don’t Fail to Plan (continued)

  • Feedback, Questions and Answers Segment
  • Just who are you to be doling out advice anyway?
  • Email podcast at michellplested dot com with your comments

06:54 — Promos: Weather Child

05:37 — Show #3: Don’t Fail to Plan (continued)

  • What process do I follow when submitting stories?
  • Learn the market (either through Market books or websites)
  • Understand what my story is for genre and length
  • Find a publisher who fits
    • How long to respond, what genres, do they like new authors, agented?
  • send multiple queries out to publishers (not actual submissions) NO SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS!
  • better, send multiple queries out to publishers and agents (not actual submissions) NO SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS!
  • start building audience while doing submissions (Podcast your story?)

20:34 — Promos: Dragon Moon Press

21:09 — Closing



  1. Hi Mike. Cruised here today going through my cards collected at a con. Lovely production! Like your positive attitude and creative approach to serving your muse.

  2. Hello Lynda,

    I’m glad you were able to find me and even happier you liked what you found. 🙂

    I hope things are going well in Prince George and Oka Rel continues to thrive. I look forward to seeing you again the next time we cross con-paths.


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