It has really been a rollercoaster ride this week. I managed to (dare I say it?) break the 50,000 word mark and finish my Nano book. That was a HUGE relief! Literally within minutes of finishing my Nano book, I got a Fedex. From DAW Books. For those of you don’t know, I had submitted my first manuscript to DAW back in October. So, with a great deal of trepidation, I opened the package. Yup, there was my manuscript and there was a note from DAW. Unfortunately, the manuscript wasn’t accepted this time. But you know what? I’m actually OK with it. Yes, I am a bit disappointed, but, after all, it WAS only the first time I had sent it out. […]
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Week Two – The Adventure Continues
It has indeed been an interesting week. I have both made great strides and had some challenges. But then, so has everyone else on the team too, I’m sure. I’ve been managing a pretty brisk pace; I think I’m currently averaging about 2,600 words per day. Is the story perfect? Not even remotely, but as has been said before, that’s not really the point. I know I plan to put the story away for a couple months before I come back to it to decide if it warrants editing and submission. I think it will, but that distance will be necessary to make a (relatively) unbiased decision. Still, I have had the occasion where I struggled a bit to get the words […]
Read moreDaron, Aaron Stole My Post Title
Yup, there you have it… I had planned to name this post: Nanowrimo – Week 1, but few things in the world and in writing are original, titles included. Granted, Aaron’s post comes a day before mine, so I’ll gracefully bow to his use of the words. I still DO want to talk about how my first week went, just like Aaron did in his post though. That much I won’t change. Much like Aaron, I learned a few things during the first week, and not exactly the same things either. I will say that it reaffirmed a couple things that Aaron commented on: writing is hard work 5,000 words doesn’t seem like much when you read them. Yup and double-yup. […]
Read moreThe Rubber Hits the Road
Yay, Nanowrimo is finally here! And I am SO happy about it. When I (finally) decided to take the challenge, it occurred to me that fear should be in order. But I prioritized my work and realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to stray from the genre that, I suspect, may become my standard one for writing. I’ve always liked stories with humor and irreverence (Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Robert Aspirin) and I have always wanted to write something similar. This was my chance. With that goal in mind, I knew the story I wanted to write and I even had a few “adventures” for my character to experience. That was the beginning. I spent a bit of […]
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