I was chatting with an author friend and we were comparing notes about writing the second book in a series. He talked about the pressure he is feeling while writing the next book in the series. As we were comparing notes, I realized that we both have been experiencing the same things even though our genres are quite different – he is writing Science Fiction and I am writing YA Adventure. So what exactly are these pressures that we are feeling? Well let me list them in no particular order. I’ve got to make the second book better than the first. You might think this silly because if that is a pressure with each book in a series, eventually you […]
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This section contains new books and reviews of books I’ve read.
Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero Has Been Shortlisted for a Prix Aurora
There are things that we always hope for but don’t really expect to happen in our careers. One of mine was to be nominated (and hopefully win) the Prix Aurora. In case you don’t know what a Prix Aurora is, it is a national speculative fiction award in Canada. This is the 30th year for the Auroras and, this year, they have included a new category specifically for YA fiction. Mik Murdoch has been shortlisted in the YA fiction category for this award. I’m not sure if words can truly express how I feel about this honour. This is one of those things that is a BIG DEAL that I never really expected to experience. I use the word “thrilled” […]
Read moreSuper Villain or Super Bully?
Hi there. My name is Mik Murdoch and I’m a superhero. A boy superhero to be exact. You may have heard of me. My friend, Michell Plested, who has written about my adventures in the novel “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero“, invited me to talk about some attention I am getting from the super-villain community. I, of course, am always happy to help my friends out and, I’m more than a little freaked out by some of the things I have heard. So here goes. My friend, Miss Purdy, came to see me a few days ago. She has been hearing rumours that the Super-Villain Community was talking about me. That was a shock to me because, a) I’m only a kid and […]
Read moreNext Big Thing Blog Hop
Lorina Stephens was kind enough to tag me in the Next Big Thing Blog Hop, which is a Goodreads promotional enterprise among indie authors and publishers to highlight authors and books which might otherwise slide under the radar of many readers. We all answer the same 10 questions, which allows readers an opportunity to receive a brief overview of either a published work or a work in progress. 1. What is the working title of the book? Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero 2. Where did the idea come from for the book? I grew up reading comic books. I always wanted to be a superhero myself and tried various things to get my own super-powers (too goofy to go into at this […]
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