Day 8 – In the Flow

The ideal writing state for me, is to hit a flow state where the words come easily and I lose track of time as I’m writing. Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to hit that state. It was a far cry from the previous day when every word was a struggle. The difference for me for Day 8 was, I had some time to think about a few of the big scenes I wanted to write. I had a fun idea for a scene and decided to work through it. To my delight, I actually ran out of writing time before I finished the scene. That means I have a place to pick up from for Day 9. It’s always nice […]

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Day 7

I called it. The minute I started to feel like I had a handle on things, it would be hard. So went day 7. Now, I grant you, I had a couple additional demands on my time for Day 7 and I didn’t have the opportunity to really think about what I wanted to write. If I had, I have no doubt it would have gone much differently. As it was, while I still hit my word count for the day, I don’t think any of it will be usable in the book. But, I can’t edit what I didn’t write down. Going forward It would be easy to start hyperventilating and tell myself that I’ve run out steam and […]

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Day 6 – The Plot Thickens

The Plot Thickens. What the heck does that even mean? When I looked it up, it actually meant what I thought. The plot is getting deeper and more complicated. That is actually the right way to describe the direction Mik Murdoch 5’s plot is going. Lots of new ideas Part of what stalled the book in the first place was an incomplete understanding of how the story needed to get from A – Z. I knew what the beginning was. I knew how I wanted it to end. It was all the stuff in the middle that was giving me problems. Okay, that’s not entirely true. There were some elements I decided on early in the book. It was how […]

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Day 5 – Too much of a good thing

I decided to do NaNoWriMo because I know that I thrive on the challenge. Something about knowing I can count and keep track of the number of new words seems to get the blood (and words) flowing. I was worried I might not feel the same way this year. It turns out I have nothing to worry about. The words, they are a’flowin. But, is it too much of a good thing? I ask the question because I have questioned my sanity more than once since I started. That is compounded by the fact that my company is doing a Well Being challenge at exactly the same time and for the same duration. That challenge is all about being active, […]

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