Day 13 – Rollercoaster

So, let’s start with how this rollercoaster ride began…I wrote my post for day 12 and then forgot to post it. Not a promising start. Then I reread what I wrote for the previous day and had a complete blank on where to go next. Not writer’s block. Not exactly. But certainly the first vertical lift on the ride. I managed a bit of a flow for a while, mostly around filling in some plot holes. I did some reflection after that, realizing that, if I didn’t get the draft of the book finished this month, it would likely not get done this year (December already looks like it will be a write-off month for many things). That added some […]

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Day 12 – Keep on trucking

Some days the words come easily and other days I have to fight to get each one. Yesterday was somewhere in the middle, but I was able to keep on trucking. In other words, I kept the story moving forward. I had an idea going in what I wanted to do. The scene I wrote was actually one that takes place immediately before the scene I wrote on Day 9. It was also a scene that involved some of my secondary characters. It’s always fun to let them have some time in the sun without Mik. Where do I go from here? There is still a long way to go with this story. I know I have some big stuff […]

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Day 11 – A new high

I managed a new high on Day 11. I had a single day word count of 2683 words. That brought me right back in line with my daily goal. It was a good writing day. I managed to get more story  going that helps tie some of the big scenes together. Next steps Day 12 will be more challenging. We have a big family meal happening so I won’t get a chance to do any writing until it gets later. That’s okay though. I left myself a hook to keep writing. It is sometimes good to stop in the middle of a scene. It keeps your mind in the story and leaves you somewhere to pick up and keep going. […]

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Day 9 AND 10 – Come out swinging

I’ve been updating this log every day since NaNoWriMo began. Until yesterday. What can I say? Last week was long and exhausting. When it came time to write (including writing a post) I simply didn’t want to. Probably not the ideal attitude when doing NaNoWriMo, but I needed to be aware of my own mental health. Simply put, I needed an evening of doing nothing. I thought I could get away with it if I came out swinging today. I was a few hundred words ahead of goal going into yesterday, so was confident I could make up the count. Come out swinging I had a good night’s sleep. That doesn’t always happen when I’m working on a project; the […]

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