Day 21 – in the middle

There are days when everything comes together from the moment you start typing. Other days, it never does. Day 21 was somewhere in the middle. It was a struggle for the first hour or so. Then, it was like a switch was thrown and the writing was easy. It could have been that I went from writing dialogue to action. It could also be that my character was struggling in the early part of the writing and was battling in the latter. Whatever the reason, I ended the day with a decent word count and a couple scenes that I am happy with. What to do when you’re struggling We all hit moments when we are having difficulty finding the […]

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Day 20 – Ideas

I have often been asked where I get my ideas from. It is a question I’m sure many creative types have been asked, too. The short answer is, ‘Everywhere’. I get my ideas wherever I happen to be, doing or experiencing various things at any time of day. There’s no telling when an idea will strike. Why am I talking about ideas now? I know I’m participating in NaNoWriMo, writing Mik Murdoch 5. I’ve been exercising my creativity on a daily basis, coming up with more exciting ideas for this book. That doesn’t mean I can’t think about other projects. For example, I have a comedy I want to write. I’ve had the idea for a few years but I […]

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Day 19 – I’m in the home stretch

I’m happy to say I’m finally in the home stretch with my novel, Mik Murdoch 5 (final name still pending). I’ve brought a number of disparate elements together (not to mention characters) and the plan for the final battle is underway. This is where the fun really begins! Writers fatigue sometimes sets in here I’ve heard anecdotally that this is approximately where writers start to run out of gas. They’ve been focused on building their story and they are simply tired of the book. I will admit, I’ve been there myself. What is keeping motivated (besides trying to win NaNoWriMo) is all the material I’ve managed to write that is building up to the final climax. I’m giving a lot […]

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Day 18 – Conflicting priorities

Weekends are the time I’m able to get things done around the house and for my family. I’m usually able to dedicate a few hours to tasks that need them that I simply can’t during the work week. When NaNoWriMo is on the calendar, this leads to conflicting priorities. Do I write or do I take care of outstanding projects. Do I try to do both? Like I said, conflicting priorities. Day started off strong Many people I know, my family included, like to sleep in on the weekends. I will admit to occasionally doing that too, but not today. Today was the scheduled second launch of SpaceX’s Starship. I am a huge space geek and, love him or hate […]

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