Achievement Unlocked

Yesterday, I finished my first full-pass edits for Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War. That puts the book one step closer to its planned June release.

Finishing a book in the first place is a big deal. Getting it ready for publication is too, especially when this is my second series to hit multiple books. By the end of this year, I will have four series that have at least two titles.

I think that’s a hint to myself that I should finish my book series before I start new ones. It’s just, new ideas are SO much fun to explore, darn it! 🙂

There is still a lot to do. The book will have a second edit/revision pass and then it will go to my Beta readers. From there, line edits, then cover and finally layout and Advanced Reader Copy proofing.

Once all that is complete, printing. And somewhere in there, I need to start promoting the book too.

Like I said, still lots to do. But this sure feels like a big step forward.


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