I Have Books

My copies of Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War have arrived and I couldn’t be happier. They are beautiful and I love the cover more and more every time I look at it. Even better, I was concerned that, because it was significantly different from the first book cover, I would find the difference too jarring. I needn’t have worried. They compliment each other in a way that is really fantastic. I’ve noticed that the print copies are still only available on Amazon.com. I will work to correct that. In the mean time, if you want your own copy (or copies or even other books of mine), please email me (use author at michellplested dot com to contact me). Let […]

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Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War

The world has gone mad. The living are gone, replaced by the mindless undead. The good news: a cure has been found. The bad news: whatever has animated the mindless undead is failing, and what’s left cannot be saved. All that stands between extinction and survival of the human race is a small group of Scouts with a plan. Will their determination and training be enough? Will they be able to use what they’ve learned to restore the undead or is the human race doomed? Whatever the answer, the Scouts are going to do their very best to overcome this disaster. Amazon Amazon Kindle Kobo

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Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War is HERE!

Finally. After months of work and more than a little stress (yeah, I care too much), Scouts of the Apocalyse: Zombie War is now available for purchase. The print copy is available on Amazon (it hasn’t flowed through to other distributors yet) and the eBook copy can be purchased pretty much anywhere eBooks are sold. I’m very happy with the way the book turned out. I hope you can pick up a copy and let me know if I’ve succeeded with this one. 🙂

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Line Edits Complete – Scouts2 in Layout

We’re almost there. That single statement fills me with both joy and dread. Joy that I will be sharing a book that I think readers will enjoy/Dread at the possibility readers might not enjoy it. I think that Joy/Dread cycle probably exists for every single writer out there. Realizing that is what keeps me moving forward. That, and I believe in the book. I think it’s a great sequel to the first book in the trilogy. Next steps: complete layout, generate the proof copy, proof the book, generate the eBooks and send it to the printer. I know those sound like a lot of next steps but, believe me, we are in the home stretch.

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