Variety is the Spice of Life

A little while ago I posed the question: should I focus on a single series or write a number of different things. I received several responses to my question, all of which I appreciated. The general consensus was that I shouldn’t limit myself, but write a number of different things. By doing so I stretch my writing muscles and I give myself the best chance to appeal to a larger group of people. While I was considering the question myself I also came to the conclusion that not only should I write in multiple genres, but I should write many different things beyond that. For example, I write this post every week which allows me to express myself in one […]

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Big Announcement!

As some of you know, I have been working toward a publishing contract for my books for quite some time. That time is now. I am thrilled to announce that my Young Adult book titled “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” has been picked up for publication by 5 Rivers Publishing. 5 Rivers is an Indie Publishing house first established in 2008 by Lorina Stephens. I am looking forward to sharing this book with all of you. If you have questions for me about it please send an email to:

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Gearing Up For the Next Project

The thing I’ve noticed about myself is I never have any shortage of ideas (probably like everyone else in the world). What I have a definite shortage of is time; lately I’ve been spending countless hours editing my novel and preparing each episode of my podcast. I enjoy doing both, but it isn’t quite the same as the thrill of starting anew story. That’s why it’s with a certain level of excitement that I begin looking forward to my next project. NanoWriMo is coming up in November and I have a story in mind. It is a sequel to the YA novel I wrote two years ago and I already know it’s going to be a lot of fun. I […]

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