Get Published Episode 122 – Gail Carriger Talks Series Writing

One of the best things about going to conventions for me is getting the chance to talk to people. For example, 3-years ago at Balticon, I was lucky enough to meet and talk to Gail Carriger. The unfortunate part of that was, I met her on the very last day, at lunch, just prior to leaving for home. I took that opportunity to invite Gail onto Get Published and she graciously agreed to an interview. That was episode 47 which aired December 25th, 2010. Ever since that conversation, I have watched Gail’s career with interest, hoping that our paths would cross again one day. Imagine my delight when I learned that not only will Gail and I both be at […]

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Get Published Episode 120 – Leah Crichton, Wattpad Success

The road to writing success is a varied one and on today’s show I talk to Leah Crichton about how she has found success via Wattpad. I’ve been interested in Wattpad for some time and, because of Leah and my friend Aaron Kite, I decided to take the plunge. You can now find Boyscouts of the Apocalypse in its entirety up on Wattpad. Just search for Michell Plested and you will find it. Leah and I had a great discussion, which I am pleased to share with you today. I also talk about a workshop I’m planning for school visits. It is about using your own experiences to create stories. I talk about it from a Young Adult perspective, but […]

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Get Published Episode 117 – Seeing Through the Eyes of a Child

Last episode you got to listen to a panel on writing for middle grade and young adult readers. This episode, I would like to present my final panel titled, Looking through the eyes of a child. This is, as you can probably tell, another young adult genre panel. We talked about how we capture the YA voice, write for different genders and a host of other things. I actually consider this to be one of the best panels I was on during When Words Collide and I think you will get a lot from it. I hope you enjoy our discussion. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 117 – Seeing Through the Eyes of a Child Everything has […]

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Get Published Episode 116 – Writing for Middle Grade and Young Adult

I attended the 2013 edition of When Words Collide on the weekend of August 9th to 11th. I was on several panels where we had the chance to discuss writing in ways. On today’s episode, I will be playing back one of the panels, specifically a panel about Writing for MG and YA audiences. The panelists were Shirlee Smith Matheson, DK Snape and myself. We had to compete with active air conditioners so there are spots where the sound quality isn’t fantastic. Still, the conversation was a good one that I hope you can take something away from. I know I will be trying a few of the different techniques we discussed in later books. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening […]

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