My Writing Influences – Alan Dean Foster

When I first started reading I gravitated to Science Fiction novels. In fact, when I was four or five, I picked up one of my parents novels and began to teach myself to read from it. No Dick, Jane and Spot for me (at least, not until I went to school). I read everything I could find that was Science Fiction. At some point, I’m not exactly sure where or even when, I discovered Alan Dean Foster. The first book of his that I read was a Pip and Flinx adventure. It was my first introduction into Dean’s Humanx Commonwealth but I was immediately hooked. From that moment forward, I eagerly scanned the shelves of bookstores, libraries and anywhere else […]

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My Writing Influences – Anne McCaffrey

Probably the first author I ever read where I couldn’t wait for the next book was Anne McCaffery. The first book of hers that I consumed was Dragonsong and I felt an immediate connection with Menolly, the title character. The writing was relatively simple and eloquent and still managed to paint a rich story. The characters were real people to me even though the world they lived on was totally alien. Even today, decades later, Dragonsong is one of my favorite books. The other thing that I really loved about her writing is how she continually built on the world/universe the stories were taking place in. She would mention other places in passing and eventually visit them, tying everything in […]

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