Get Published Episode 64 – Know Your Audience

I was very fortunate to attend a brand new Convention for Writers and Readers here in Calgary called “When Words Collide” a week ago. The convention had several VIP guests including Robert J Sawyer who agreed to be interviewed for the show. He talks about marketing and promotion in the Tips and Typos section. I also interviewed Marc Johnson. Marc is a self-published fantasy author living in the Bay area. He talks about why he made the decision to self-publish and how he is treating his writing as a business. Both authors talk about something I found very interesting and that is, knowing your market and targeting it. It’s an important lesson for me and one I think all authors […]

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Get Published Episode 44 – Awesomeness with Kimi Alexandre

I had the pleasure to talk with Kimi Alexandre for this episode. For those of you who don’t know who Kimi is, she is a podcaster, writer and professional voice actress. And she is the founder of If you have listened to any of the better known podcast fiction out there, chances are good that you have heard her voice. She talks about SpecFicDb, Tale Chasing (her podcast for Urban Fantasy writers), Guardians (another of her podcasts) and Voice Acting. It was a great discussion and I hope to have her on the show again. In the feedback section of the show, I talk about my NaNoWriMo progress to date. NaNo has been another great experience thus far, but […]

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Get Published Episode 43 – Philippa Ballantine talks Geist

Philippa Ballantine has made the transition from Small Press author to New York author. Her first NY Press release, “Geist” came out on October 26th. As a special treat, Pip reads from Geist and talks about the difference between small and large presses. It’s a Kiwi-riffic episode that you won’t want to miss. Thanks for listening. httpv:// Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 43 – Philippa Ballantine talks Geist Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 43 – Philippa Ballantine talks Geist Welcome to the show. 01:27 – Promo – Flying Island Press, Flagship 02:37— Feedback – Get Published Episode 43 – Philippa Ballantine talks […]

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Get Published Episode 40 – Getting to Know Jennifer Rahn

Jennifer Rahn is the author of two novels, The Longevity Thesis and Wicked Initiations, and has two short stories published or accepted; the first is ElectroFunkSepukku, which appeared in Dragon Moon’s Podthology, and the second is Metal Rat and the Brand New Jungle, which is slated to appear in the inaugural edition of Space Puppet Press’ Strange Worlds anthology. She wrote her first novel, The Longevity Thesis, while in grad school and vehemently denies that her graduate supervisors resemble in any way, the villain of her novel — it’s just for fun. She’s still academically active and enjoys writing and kickboxing when not in the lab. She talks about her books, how she fits her writing into a life that […]

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