Get Published Episode 52 – Nate Hendley: Journalist, Author, Editor

Whew! Have you ever had one of those weeks where you always seem to be scrambling around? I’m sure you have and this week has been one for me which ended with a weekend in the mountains building snow shelters with my Scout troop. Fun, but not exactly time I could spend working on Get Published. Still, I am very pleased with the interview you will hear with Nate Hendley. Nate is a Journalist (since the 1990’s), an Editor and an Author. I’m very happy to have a non-fiction author on the show to talk to us about the differences (and similarities) between fiction and non-fiction writing. Nate has a lot of great experience to share and I got a […]

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Get Published Episode 35 – How Sandra Wickham’s Career has Evolved

Sandra Wickham joins me on today’s show. Sandra is a Speculative Fiction writer and professional trainer. She has an honour’s degree in English and Drama from McMasters University and she has recently had a story appear in the Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing Anthology, eVolVe. Sandra’s a lot of fun and was a pleasure to talk to. I also address some feedback and talk about microphones for podcasting. There’s lots of good information in this episode. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 35 – How Sandra Wickham’s Career has Evolved Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Get […]

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Balticon 44

It has been more than two weeks since I came home from my first Balticon. I wanted to take some time to really absorb all the things I saw and did before I spent any time talking or writing about them. Let me begin by saying Balticon was something special. Someone very accurately said, “It is like coming home.” As odd as it may sound she was absolutely right. It was home for so many different reasons. Let’s start with the people. I have met many people online over the past year or so. Facebook, Twitter, email. I’ve gotten to know many of them reasonably well. I’ve even had the chance to talk with many of them via Skype for […]

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The Power of “Get Involved”

I’ve been thinking about my involvement in social media, podcasting and general networking, specifically with a focus on how I hope it will help me get my work published. I’ve come to a conclusion and it is this: the people who podcast thinking it will get them published directly are missing the point. Now, if you’ve read any of my posts, you know that I rarely make inflammatory comments. It’s not that I’m afraid of starting controversy, but rather I just don’t care to do so. So why do I make one now (and yes, I know on the flame scale it still rates pretty low)? Let me put it this way; those of us who listen to podcasts know of at least […]

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