Get Published, Episode 12 – The Value of Conventions to a Writer

Hello Everyone. I’ve been thinking about the value of conventions to writers lately, specifically with some wistfulness because I’m missing Dragon Con yet again. As you probably know, I’m a big proponent of self-promotion and what better place to sell yourself than at a convention? Listen in and hear more. Enjoy. Get Published, Episode 12 – The Value of Conventions to a Writer Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 12 Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer Welcome to the show. 00:45 — Promos: Variant Frequencies 01:45 — Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer (continued) […]

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Conventions: Not Just for Dressing Up

Who here has ever gone to a convention of one kind or another? Don’t be shy, raise your hands high if you have. Now, how many of you have been to a convention where another writer or a publisher or an editor or an agent has been a guest, a panel participant or a known quantity? And what did you do at that convention? Did you meet any of the aforementioned people? I attended ConVersion (a local SciFi/Fantasy convention) not too long ago. My goal was to meet one of the publishers who I knew to be coming and maybe meet Terry Brooks. Let me begin by saying that I am not the most outgoing person alive. Still, I went […]

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