The Second Book in a Series

I was chatting with an author friend and we were comparing notes about writing the second book in a series. He talked about the pressure he is feeling while writing the next book in the series. As we were comparing notes, I realized that we both have been experiencing the same things even though our genres are quite different – he is writing Science Fiction and I am writing YA Adventure. So what exactly are these pressures that we are feeling? Well let me list them in no particular order. I’ve got to make the second book better than the first. You might think this silly because if that is a pressure with each book in a series, eventually you […]

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Get Published Episode 90 – Tee and Pip Collaborate

90 episodes and still going. When I started planning Get Published almost four years ago, I never thought it would last this long. But it has and I am very proud of the show and all the wonderful people I have the chance to talk to as part of it. I have to admit, the past while I’ve been wondering if it is time to end Get Published. I’ve been feeling a little worn down at times and it just feels like one project too many. Still, a lot has happened to me since I started and Get Published is responsible for at least some of my writing success. Because of the show, I have talked with people who have […]

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The Next Book

I have come face-to-face with something I had always hoped for but wasn’t sure would ever happen. That is, writing the next book in a series. Now, before I start sounding all new and everything, the truth is, I have written the first three books of the Mik Murdoch series. Even still, I wasn’t sure what the future of said books would ever be. In fact, I know books two and three are pretty rough so I have to do some serious rewrites. What is different, is there is now a need for those books. I actually have to take the time to ensure they are as good as they can be so they are publishable. That is the difference. […]

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Why Publishing is Slow: the Experience

As you probably know, I’ve been working towards the goal of getting published for several years now. Last year I had some success with my short stories, managing to get three of them accepted by various e-magazines and digital sites. That success only encouraged me to work harder to get my books in front of publishers to try and get them published as well. Then, in October, I received my first book contract for my YA Superhero novel, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”. The book is the first in what I expect to be a six-book series. I was (and still am) very excited about this development, but, as I have said many, many times, publishing is slow. I know where […]

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