GalaxyBillies – Episode 6

OK, I know it has been three weeks since the last episode of GalaxyBillies and for that I apologize. As you may (or may not) know, I sold a character spot for GB on TheBoomEffect. That spot was purchased by MegaDan Scholes. This is the first episode that his voice will appear. I created a special new spot for him that I think will be a lot of fun going forward. I’d love to hear what you think. In this episode the humans finally get off Sin Station (or do they?). We also find that the galaxy at large is starting to notice them. For better of worse, they are out there. I’m still waiting for suggestions around what you, […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 1

Hey Folks, The Earthlings learn a little more about their home on the Grokmar. They come to realize that the ship really doesn’t understand them at all. They threaten a hunger strike and the ship reluctantly gives in to their demands: proper food and a place to sleep. The ship adamantly refuses to return them to Earth. It maintains its claim to need them in order to continue its mission… except, it doesn’t remember what its mission is. I also have a special offer at the end of the show. This offer is to support the effort being taken to help out Tee Morris in his time of need. Please see the following two URL’s for more information about the […]

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Writing Humor

I’m working on a project right now that is stretching my brain and moving me into territories both unfamiliar and daunting. I am trying (note the word “Trying”) to write a Science Fiction Comedy. I love comedy writing whether it is Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” series (yes, I know it is parody. It’s still funny), or Douglas Adams ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ or even Robert Asprin’s “Myth Inc.” series. Comedy writing is some of my favorite to read. It is also the reason I chose the title that I did for my blog. But, darn it, it is a LOT harder to write than I thought. I’m about 5,000 words into the project so far. I’ve got detailed character sketches, most […]

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