Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman

On today’s show I have Ira Nayman, a Canadian comedy writer who has written both books and screenplays. He was also a writer/performer in a comedy troop in the 80’s. Ira and I talk about writing and comedy and several other things that we found funny at the time. I also provide a review of Ira’s book, Welcome to the Multiverse, Sorry for the Inconvenience. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman (continued) Welcome to the show. […]

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Word on the Street

I have seen other writers have a great deal of success with word-of-mouth promotion. Essentially, one person tells two people (or more) about a new book who in turn tell two people (or more) about the new book  and so on. This is known as viral marketing or having a street team and it is easily one of the best ways I have seen to grow book sales. So, how does one go about making this happen? That is a question I (and I suspect, many others) have asked. I have come to the conclusion that all the planning in the world will not cause this to happen. I truly believe that the only way it will ever come to […]

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Get Published Episode 85 – Jeff Minkevics talks Cover Design

I hope you aren’t getting tired of me walking you through the various aspects of my journey to getting Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero published. I’ve had the great fortune to speak with many authors about their own publishing experiences, and now that I’m on that same road, I want to tell you everything I can about my own in hopes that it will help you. With that in mind, in today’s episode, I talk to Jeff Minkevics, a fantastic artist and close friend. I had the great fortune of having Jeff create the cover for Mik Murdoch. We sat down at a local pub and talked about covers over beer and wings. It was a fun way to spend the […]

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