Get Published Episode 124 – Nila E White Talks about Lucky or Unlucky: 13 Stories of Fate

  I mentioned back in early November that I had two stories coming out in two different anthologies. The first of those anthologies was titled Lucky or Unlucky: 13 Stories of Fate. I thought it would be fun to talk with Nila White who is the editor and publisher of the anthology. So on today’s show, Nila and I discuss the anthology and what went into its production. I also have to apologize. Things are pretty crazy and, as you might be able to tell from my voice, I’m sick. There won’t be a Tips and Typos section in today’s episode. Still, the conversation with Nila was great and is worth listening to. Enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — […]

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Get Published Episode 112 – Life in Stories & Next Steps in Evil

I try to take events and mentally catalog them for use in future books. That’s one of the reasons I like to sit and watch people. It helps me to make the interactions in my stories more realistic. In this episode, I will be talking about taking life and translating it into stories in the tips and typos section. I am also pleased to have my co-editor, Jeff Hite on the show. We talk about A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil and some of the things we have been and will be doing to promote it. We also talk about some related, planned projects and how you can get involved. That’s today’s episode. I hope […]

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Get Published Episode 110 – Ed Robertson Talks Self-Publishing and What Book Rankings Mean

I don’t know about you, but I have always wondered about the book rankings that show up on Book sites like Kobo and Amazon. What does it really mean if a book has a ranking of 60,000? On today’s show, I talk to someone who has had some luck deciphering what those rankings truly mean. We also talk about his experiences in self-publishing and the strategies he has seen and used to be successful. I also talk about conventions since, as this episode drops, I will be at Balticon in Hunt Valley, Maryland. I talk about what you as a convention goer should be doing while attending the various conventions, both literary and other out there. That’s today’s episode. I […]

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Get Published Episode 107 – Michael R Fletcher – Lessons of a First-time Author

On today’s show I have Michael R Fletcher. Michael is a writer, rock n’ roller, sound engineer and dad. He has had several short stories published and is about to release his first novel through Five Rivers Publishing. We talk about first time books, writing and what it’s like to be an unknown writer. I also talk about a question I receive quite often. It’s one most published authors have likely heard at some point in their careers. Namely, “how much did you have to pay the publisher to get your book published.” It’s a question I have some strong feelings about, especially with some trends in publishing I’ve noticed recently. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show […]

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